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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mageslayer System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:38:03 Views : 23339 Cheat : Bring up the console by pushing the ~ key and type the following codes, followed by the Enter key: bind p positions This will make the P key print out your position [x, y, z]. Ignore the decimal places. a_moveme X,Y,Z Moves you to the given position coordinates dir maps List available maps map "mapname" Start a map pc_spawnthing "thingname". Create an instance of an item or creature in the World. Try to be in an open area because you can spawn something inside a wall. fly Toggles fly mode on and off. Once on, press JUMP to fly. Then, quickly, turn it off to land. ode to jack Kill all creatures on level impulse 11 God Mode bigfinale Play the end sequence noclip Turn clipping off (walk through walls) Things you can spawn: Creatures- use "pc_spawnthing thingname". Creature names are pretty straight forward. "rat, bat, wererat1 (2 and 3), scorpion, spider, etc". Items: i_shield temporary shield i_timestop temporary freeze creatures i_speed temporary speed run i_inviso temorary invisibility i_death temporary KILL ALL powerup i_health health icon i_mana mana icon key spawn a key relicpiece spawn a relicpiece (but piece is in cage). Spawn five in the vault and talk to the oracle to do the end battle. Other Type the first letter of a character type to change to that character: P print position x, y, z (If it doesn't work, do the bind command as described above) Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Mageslayer cheat codes.
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